Cupping therapy became recognized worldwide during the 2016 Olympic Games when athletes showed large red circles on their bodies. This is called cupping, and it’s a technique that your Chicago health and wellness provider uses to treat a variety of conditions.

Our Chicago Chiropractor Explains Cupping Therapy and How is it Used

Cupping therapy involves the use of specialized suction cups on the skin. Also referred to as Chinese cupping therapy this is an ancient healing practice that has been in practice for centuries. It is used to treat pain, increase blood flow, and reduce inflammation in the body. Our patients also request cupping therapy as a form of deep tissue massage, as it is a relaxing form of therapy. Cupping therapy is completely safe for patients. It is a safe and effective treatment method that does not require prescription medications or surgery to treat affected areas.

How our Chicago Chiropractor at Body Works Health & Wellness uses Cupping

Here at Body Works Health and Wellness, your Chicago chiropractor uses cupping therapy to treat a variety of aches and pains. Most specifically we have found that patients respond positively to cupping therapy when used to treat neck pain and back pain. Additionally, we use this therapy to treat chronic pain naturally and effectively.

Are There Any Side Effects to Cupping Therapy? 

You are likely to experience round circles on your treated areas after you have been to cupping therapy. Some patients may also experience mild discomfort during the procedure, but this varies with a patient’s sensitivities and pain issues. In general, however, there aren’t any dangerous or adverse side effects.

Visit our Chicago Chiropractor for Cupping Therapy Today!

If you are ready to experience the benefits of cupping therapy in Chicago we want to help. As a medical professional, Dr. Yousef Zaffarkhan has extensive training and experience providing this form of therapy for pain relief and healing. Contact the office of Body Works Health and Wellness at (312) 733-8676 today to schedule an appointment.

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Monday: 10AM – 6:30PM
Tuesday: 10AM – 4PM
Wednesday: 10AM – 6:30PM
Thursday: 10AM – 6PM
Friday: 10AM – 6:30PM
Saturday: 10AM – 4PM
Sunday: Closed

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