When you think of chiropractic care, you probably envision spinal adjustments or extremity joint adjustments, and while the foundation of chiropractic care is the chiropractic adjustment, massage therapy is also beneficial in helping to reduce pain and speed healing.
Benefits of Massage Therapy and Chiropractic Adjustments in Chicago
When massage therapy and chiropractic adjustments are used together, their benefits are multiplied. Massage helps loosen ligaments and tendons that, when tight, can make the joints stiff and painful. Massage reduces overall muscle soreness, and it helps improve circulation throughout the body.
Chiropractic adjustments can help ensure proper function of the joints and reduce inflammation and pain around the joint. When these two techniques are combined, adjustments last longer, giving the body more time to heal, and a noticeable reduction of pain.
Chiropractic Adjustments and Massage Therapy at Body Works Health & Wellness
Our Chicago chiropractor offers massage and chiropractic care as part of a complete wellness package for healing all types of back and extremity joint injuries. We offer deep tissue and sports massage therapy to help reduce your acute chronic lower back and neck pain.
Deep tissue massages are great for releasing deep muscle tension. This type of massage uses a firm pressure to reach the deepest layers of muscle. It helps heal soft tissue injuries and reduce chronic muscle pain.
Sports massage therapy is great for healing injuries related to physical activity, such as yard work or heavy cleaning. This type of massage helps alleviate swelling in the muscles and soft tissues while facilitating the release of lactic acid, which reduces muscle pain.
Visit Our Chicago Chiropractor Today!
To show our support in giving thanks this November, we are offering a free initial exam when you purchase two 60 minute massages for $89. You can also purchase this deal as a gift certificate for yourself or a family member.
What benefits have you noticed from receiving massage and spinal adjustments at our Chicago chiropractor’s office?