Have you recently been involved in an auto accident? If you have and it appears you may not be injured, you could have still sustained an injury. Spinal injuries are among the most common as a result of a car accident. Symptoms typically take anywhere from 24 to 72 hours before symptoms from an auto accident injury start to show.
Here at Body Work Health & Wellness, we specialize in the diagnosis and treatment of any number of auto injuries, ranging from neck pain and whiplash to even seat belt injuries.
Common Seat Belt Injuries Seen by Your Chicago Chiropractor
Seat Belt injuries are extremely common in auto accident s. Some of these injuries include:
- Bruising on their chests and shoulders as a result of the impact against their seat belts
- Sprains and strains from the upper body being thrust forward into the seatbelt while the lower spine remains stable
- Whiplash is another common auto accident injury related to seat belts. If left untreated, whiplash can become very serious, resulting in migraines, inability to sleep, and other health issues.
- Back and chest pain
In some cases, seat belt injuries can even include broken bones typically the collar bone or ribs
Treatment for Auto Accident Injuries by Body Works Health & Wellness
Your Chicago Chiropractor has viable treatment options available. In many cases of spinal misalignment due to a seat belt injury, a chiropractor may recommend a spinal adjustment (or series of treatments) to better align the spine and take pressure off the discs in between the vertebrae. This same treatment can often be used for instances of whiplash in addition to other injuries, such as neck pain.
In other cases, spinal decompression, massage therapy, or any number of other chiropractic techniques may also be recommended depending on the specific injuries, the extent of the injuries, and the symptoms being experienced by the patient.
Holistic Chiropractic Care for the Whole Family in Chicago’s West Loop Neighborhood
If you’ve recently been in an auto accident, it’s in your best interest to contact your Chicago chiropractor as soon as possible for an evaluation. Even if you don’t think you’re injured, it’s better to be safe than sorry. Waiting until your symptoms are painfully obvious can make the situation worse.
Schedule an Appointment today with Your Chiropractor in Chicago, IL
Here at Body Works Health & Wellness, we’re here to help you overcome your injuries caused by an auto accident, and we’ll work with you to come up with a customized treatment plan. Give us a call today at (312) 733-8676 to find out more about our practice or to schedule an appointment.