Migraine sufferers, now you can find relief at the office of your Chicago chiropractor. Although the chiropractic practice at Body Works Health & Wellness is a state-of-the-art treatment facility, we also offer effective alternative treatments, such as acupuncture treatment for migraines. If migraines are making you miserable, you owe it to yourself to seek headache pain relief through natural, drug-free acupuncture treatment in Chicago.
Prevent Migraines with Treatment from our Chicago Chiropractor
If you often get migraine headaches, you know how debilitating they can be, causing associated symptoms like nausea and light sensitivity that can last for days. The intense pain of a migraine can keep you from work or from caring for your family for hours or days at a time.
Left untreated, migraines can ruin your quality of life. Yet, traditional medical treatment with prescription drugs is useless for many people—and the side effects of medication are undesirable. Fortunately, the best local chiropractors are successfully treating patients with natural, gentle and drug-free methods, including acupuncture.
How Acupuncture Work for Migraines
Acupuncture is an ancient treatment that involves tiny, thin needles inserted under the skin at certain key points on the body. Acupuncture treatment for migraines has been proven effective to relieve pain and other symptoms for many people. Patients generally cannot feel the thin acupuncture needles as they enter the skin. Needles may be left in place for several minutes and may be stimulated gently by your Chicago chiropractor since vibration can intensify the relaxing and pain to relieve benefits.
Acupuncture needles may be inserted in areas that aren’t necessarily near the area of pain. That’s because effective acupuncture points for a migraine may be located elsewhere in the body. Maximum relief from migraine pain (and prevention of future headaches) typically requires several acupuncture sessions from your Chicago chiropractor. Your specific treatment is planned around your unique needs and symptoms and could include chiropractic adjustment by Dr. Zaffarkhan.
Schedule an Appointment with our Chicago Chiropractor Today!
To learn more about acupuncture treatment for migraines, contact Body Works Health & Wellness at (312) 733-8676 today.